"Your Life, Our Legacy"
O: 1-512-755-5531
C: 1-512-818-9601
FAQs Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is Queen of Hearts CPR affiliated with American Heart Association?
Yes, Queen of Hearts CPR is affiliated with American Heart Association and teaches according to their requirements and starndards.
2. How do I re-claim my eCard?
Search: your email, including your spam folder, for an email from no-eccreply@Heart.org or eCards@Heart.org to claim or reclaim you card.
Visit: Heart.org eCard search utility to find your card.
Text: Text the word "eCard" to the number 51736 to resend the link to reclaim your eCard. This option will only work if you provided you current phone number at the time of your class.
GOOGLE: type "lost eCard AHA" and follow directions
3. Can I renew my card if it is expired?
Yes, you can renew your card even though it has expired, however, you need to take the full BLS class again.